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Egidijus Navikas


Date of birth 08/06/1971


1995-1996 European Institute of High International Studies, Nice (France)
1993-1995 Master's degree, Institute of International relations and political sciences, Vilnius University, Vilnius (Lithuania)
1989-1994 Master's degree, Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Work experience

From September 2023 Ambassador of the Republic Lithuania in the Republic of Kazakhstan, to the Kyrgyz Republic,  Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan
From September 2019 to August 2023  Ambassador of the Republic Lithuania in the Republic of Azerbaijan and to Turkmenistan
2015-2019                             Deputy Head of Delegation, Head of Political Section, EU Delegation in Jordan, Amman
2011–2015           Administrator for EU relations with Belarus, Moldova and Georgia, European External Action Service, Brussels (Belgium)
2010-2011 Adviser for EU relations with Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, Policy Unit, EU General Secretariat of the Council, Brussels (Belgium)
2007-2010 Head of EU Common Foreign and Security Policy division, Deputy Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)
2004–2007 Representative to EU Council Foreign relations counsellors working group, Deputy representative to Political and Security Committee, Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU, Brussels (Belgium)
2001-2004 Head of Political and Institutional Cooperation division, EU Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)
1997–2001 First Secretary, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Lithuania in France, Paris (France)
1994–1997 Third, Second and First Secretary, Head of Prime Minister’s Protocol office, Deputy Director of Protocol Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Honours and awards

National Order of Merit - France, 1997

Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits - Lithuania, 2004
Languages                                Lithuanian (native), English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic
Marital status Married, has a son